...7/13 : crisis, be +...
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamu'alaikum w.b.t,
I've come across a quote that said: "At any point in time, you're either in a crisis, just left a crisis, or heading towards a crisis". It struck me how true this statement is and made me think about what my reaction should be in each situation.
One can easily be pessimistic of such statements especially after realising its truthfulness in life, but Islam came and taught us positive ways to react to each situation:
1. In a crisis - we're asked to be patient and remember that to Him we belong and to Him we shall return.
2. When just left a crisis - we're reminded to be thankful that He saved us from the crisis and that we made it through.
3. Heading towards a crisis - we're told to be optimistic and have good opinion of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) and make dua for what's best and not always expect the worst.
These positive attitudes are key attitudes of any productive Muslim; for at any point in time, a productive Muslim should not be reactive but always thinking how they can best deal with the situation at hand.
So my message to you today: whether you're in a crisis or not; stay positive, stay productive!
iman's note : 5 Ramadhan 1434H already. May Allah bless us...
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